Sunday 26th July 2020
When I wake up, for a brief moment, I forget where I am. Oh yes, we’re in a hotel in Westerham. There is a whole glass of wine on the bedside table. Bleugh. I read my book for a bit, until the husband wakes up and then we get showered and dress. I have brought my scales with me. I’ve dropped 3lb. Glad I brought them now.
It’s a beautiful day outside and we go to a little cafe on the green for breakfast. It’s delicious. The only thing spoiling it where a huge group of bikers sitting there revving their engines, the locals didn’t seem very happy.
I’m worrying about Toby and just want to get home, the husband has other plans. Visiting the local brewery. I don’t actually want to drink. Of course, we go and I do try their very own sparkling wine (it would be rude not to) It’s really lovely there, but the husband is driving so we only stop for one.
When we do get home, to a very confused Toby, I decide that I want a Chinese takeaway. I’m not going to claw anything back now so I may as well bloody enjoy myself.
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2020-07-26 14:09:00