Reflect, Refresh, Reset: Findings from February

February whizzed by in its usual whirlwind fashion, didn’t it? It feels like just last week, we were waving goodbye to January, and now here we are, welcoming spring with open arms. As I sit down to reflect on the past month, I can’t help but feel like I’m scrambling to remember what exactly I did. My few scribbled notes have me wondering, “What the hell did I get up to in February?”

But let’s kick things off on a positive note!

Shaking Up Habits

One major positive, which I keep having to remind myself of, is my trip to Hereford. I go to stay with my friend in Hereford for the weekend a few times a year, and I love it. 

I don’t have to drive, I don’t have to cook. My only responsibility is to get myself dressed and ready for the day. What bliss!

Our weekends in Hereford typically involve leisurely lunches, maybe an afternoon trip to the cinema or a stroll through the countryside, and cosy evenings indoors with some mindless TV, a light dinner, and a few glasses of red wine. Ah, the simple pleasures!

After a couple of busy weekends, I had been feeling a bit crap, so I decided that I didn’t want to spend the entire weekend drinking as I usually did. My drinking habits have massively changed over the last couple of years anyway. I rarely drink at home anymore, even on weekends. It’s only if I go out for dinner and sometimes lunch, but I felt antsy about the weekend ahead.

For the past five years, sitting in their lounge in the evenings with a glass of red had become a ritual. But this time, I decided to shake things up. I challenged myself to skip the alcohol on Saturday, armed with some alcohol-free wine just in case.

We met for lunch, and I ordered myself my usual glass of rose. Usually, I would have 2 to 3 large glasses, but today felt different. I opted for just one, knowing I could always have more later. And I did – a few glasses of red, to be exact. Though, if I’m honest, I probably could’ve stopped at one. Old habits die hard, right?

The next morning, I woke up feeling groggy, not exactly hungover, but definitely not my best self. This wouldn’t usually have deterred me from drinking that day,  but I found that I didn’t want to drink. When it came to the evening, I didn’t miss having that glass of red in my hand one bit. I didn’t even open the alcohol-free stuff. I just drank Coke Zero. I woke up on Sunday feeling fresh and in a much better mood. In fact, I felt the happiest I had in a long time and very much enjoyed performing a 3-hour concert for one in my car on the way home.

Taking Business Back to Basics

Work has finally eased up a bit, giving me some breathing room to think about my next steps. As I sat down to write a blog post for my business, it dawned on me that I should treat my business blog posts with the same care and attention I give my clients. So, I decided to put myself through my client onboarding process – talk about eye-opening!

This led me to go back to the beginning and start from scratch. So, I’m revamping everything on my website, looking at my products and pricing and seeing where I can improve. Sometimes, you have to take a step back before you can move further forward.

Social Stamina vs Solo Sanctuary

February was sprinkled with fun social events, from catching up with my train girls to enjoying stand-up shows with the husband. And, of course, those cosy nights in with a good book or binge-worthy Netflix series!

But amidst the hustle and bustle, I found myself feeling quite insular and craving solitude, wanting to spend more time at home and be by myself, which is something I want to keep an eye on.

Mind Games

On the health and wellness front, I’ve been experimenting with waking up 15 minutes earlier – a small change that’s made a big difference in how I approach my day. Yet, imposter syndrome and fluctuating hormones have been playing tricks on my mood, reminding me that self-care is non-negotiable. It’s just really frustrating when you feel you have no control over your mood.

Thankful and Honoured

I am so grateful to have been asked to be part of someone’s special day this year. A good friend of mine is having a small ceremony, and I am one of the few people who have been asked to attend. How lovely is that!

Joining the Movement

Apart from stripping my business back to basics, I am also taking part in the Marie study, which explores the Mental Health impact among Menopausal women. I take part in surveys and interviews and share my experience. Hopefully, what they learn will improve the menopause experience for women in the future.

Goal Gridlock

I have felt a bit stuck this month in terms of goals. I have found that the lack of sleep and low mood have taken over a bit, but I am pushing through and making changes to help improve those areas. I am not the most patient person in the world, so I get frustrated when I have these setbacks, but slowly, slowly catchy monkey and all that.

Mission for March

I want to start using my task list as more of a menu, where I select what I am going to that day, rather than having an overwhelming list of to-do’s. 

I definitely want to improve my mental health this month. I have seen some old anxieties returning and some of my self-care tools slipping, which, in turn, has a snowball effect.

February’s Seen and Heard

This month, I have managed to pick up quite a few books. The first is Forgotten Bones, which is a detective series with a supernatural twist and Six Days, which is about a woman who gets stood up at the altar but doesn’t believe that her husband-to-be would do that to her. I would love to see both of these books on our screens. They would make amazing Netflix series!

Speaking of Netflix, the husband and I started watching the Night Agent, which I am very much into at the moment. I have been struggling to get into TV, so this has grabbed my attention.

The podcast I loved this month, which you may have seen on my Instagram, is from The Midlife Mentors called Midlife Crisis or Transition. It had a positive message. In fact, I might give it another listen.

These will be added to the Things Seen & Heard Page on my website.

Lessons Learned

February taught me that my habits don’t define me; they can be broken, and just because I have always done something, I don’t have to continue that way, especially if it doesn’t add anything positive to my life.

I also realised that I am not out of the woods yet when it comes to my health. I have a lot more work to do on myself. I still need to make many changes, but I am more motivated than ever to do those things. I am still searching for that version of me that has been hidden away, and I want her to have a safe and healthy place to return to.

The saying is true: Nothing changes if nothing changes. 

Sharing is the best compliment! Don’t keep it to yourself—share with friends!

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One comment on “Reflect, Refresh, Reset: Findings from February

  1. I do not even know how I ended up here but I thought this post was great I dont know who you are but definitely youre going to a famous blogger if you arent already Cheers.

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