• Reflect, Refresh, Reset: Findings from February

    February whizzed by in its usual whirlwind fashion, didn’t it? It feels like just last week, we were waving goodbye to January, and now here we are, welcoming spring with open arms. As I sit down to reflect on the past month, I can’t help but feel like I’m scrambling…

  • Hormonal Whiplash: An Unexpected Bump in the Road

    Hello lovelies, I admit I struggled this week when it came to writing a post. I have a content plan, and I make notes all the time or start writing snippets, but this week, when it was time to put those notes and words all together, I found myself stumbling…

  • Can Chaos Lead to Calm? My Surprising Start to 2024

    Hello lovelies, I’m finally getting myself back into the swing of things with my blog posts after taking a much-needed extended break over the Christmas period. Well, I say break. I was still writing, but I wanted to shake things up a little bit, so I needed a little bit…

  • Grand Schemes vs Actual Scenes

    I am writing this after having about 3 hours of sleep. I feel like a zombie! So, I hope this all makes sense. I’ve been feeling my usual mixed emotions over the last few weeks. I’ve felt hurt, making me want to retreat, which was fortunate as that’s what I…