From shit to shish

Sunday 30th May 2021

Well to say the week started of shit is not a lie but I mean this in the literal sense. On Sunday, in an effort to beat the mood swings and to align with my new”get on with it” attitude, I did some housework, which included cleaning out my beloved Tobys litter tray. I use the smart packs which are basically pre wrapped litter tray liners prefilled with cat litter, I took out the old liner and put it in a carrier bag, I normally have no issues but today I was being tested. The carrier bag split leaving the kitchen floor covered in dirty cat litter. FML. Credit to myself though, I didn’t cry. I did of course scream a few obscenities.

With the housework done, I had the rest of the day to spend dreading work the following day. How fun.

On Monday, after another night of broken sleep and having a little stress cry, I start the day. My motivation is shot, there is so much change going on at work and I’m not happy about some of it, I have a call planned with my boss on Wednesday and I plan out what I want to say.

On Tuesday I have blood test number 2, I’ve taken the day off so I can spend the rest of the day shopping with the mother. I manage to spend a whopping £75 in Home Bargains
My friend messages to say she’s looking forward to catching up with me, I reply saying I’m looking forward to it too.
When I get home, I get myself settled in thinking how it’s a shame we’re not catching up today. She then messages me saying she’s having a sneaky glass of wine. Blimey she’s keen, then I check my messages. Oh we’re meeting tonight? I swear it was tomorrow? I check the earlier messages she’s been saying all day that it’s tonight wtf?! Oh well why not do it tonight? I go back upstairs and get changed. Thank god she messaged me! She would have been sat in the pub on her own!!

Another shitty nights sleep, today I speak to my boss, I am completely honest about how unhappy I am, she tells me she does understand how I feel and that there are some changes she has asked for and she is waiting for sign off so she can’t tell me, she is not sure if I will like them. Oh great! I spend the rest of the afternoon catasrophising about the change.

Thursday is our 3rd Wedding Anniversary, we don’t have anything planned as we are going away for the weekend.
My boss asks to have a chat with me and tells me about the changes that have now been signed off and assures me that I am a valued team member and she does want to progress my career. I feel so much better after this conversation.

The husband and I decide to go out for lunch, we go to our favourite Turkish restaurant, the sun is out and we have a really nice time, we agree we need to go out to lunch together more, now that we can.

This week has really turned itself around.

2021-05-30 16:01:00

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