Wednesday 29th July 2020
Scales stay the same this morning. I go on my walk feeling pretty positive.
I had some feedback from Kristy on Monday and if I’m honest, I’ve been avoiding responding as the topic of alcohol comes up. My positive mindset leads me to agree with myself that I am going to respond today, yes making changes are uncomfortable, I tell myself, but unless I make changes, I won’t see any. God I’m very philosophical today. I should give some sort of lecture.
I’m brought crashing down with a bang when I start to get chub rub, luckily I’m almost home. I discovered on the back of my thighs yesterday, what appears to be eczema, another possible symptom of the menopause. Great.
That afternoon, I take myself outside to work from the garden, I’m in a nice shady bit and keep myself topped up with water and coke zero.
Later that day, the husband ruins my plans for the evening of watching shit horror films by not going to play football. I soon forgive him and we sit outside and eat our dinner of chicken enchiladas.
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2020-07-29 14:15:00