What are the chances?
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it’s been an interesting week.
The scrapping of my rigid routine is going well, I’ve managed to go for dinner and not drink copious amounts of wine, as is my habit and I got through what can only be described as a magnificently awkward encounter at the spa last week.
I had been really looking forward to going to the spa. The husband and I were really lucky with the weather, the sun was shining and the roads were clear. We arrived at the spa before check-in time but our room was ready, so we headed straight there ready to change into our robes and immerse ourselves in the relaxation.
We had a beautiful room on the ground floor, with a small terrace area with a table and chairs and views of the lake. I felt the stress I had been feeling lately slowly melting away as we lazily walked around the lake and found our way to the bar, to have a little glass of something in the sunshine before our treatment.
After my treatment, I caught sight of myself in the mirror as I was getting dressed. I felt pretty crappy about the way I looked at the moment, but I wasn’t going to let it ruin my time here and I went back to the waiting area to wait for the husband on a lounger, trying to forget about how I looked in my robe and feel serene and at peace with the world.
The husband came out, having shall we say, not quite the relaxing experience he had hoped for, much to my amusement and we were laughing our way back to the bar, which was by now, a little busier. I was looking outside to see if I could spot a table in the sun when someone caught my eye, it took me a moment, but I quickly realised that unfortunately, it was.
Outside, sitting with his wife, was my ex-husband.
I’m not going to go into detail, but let’s just say we did not part on good terms when we split 14 years ago. I have somehow managed to not bump into him in all that time, even when we lived near each other. The divorce, which happened only 6 years ago, did not go particularly well either, but I guess they rarely do.
As soon as I realised it was him, I told the husband. I asked if he would mind if we sat inside. I was quite shocked and wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about the situation. I needed to gather my thoughts. You see, I didn’t know if I had been spotted and how he would react to seeing me.
We sat at a table inside and I had my back to the garden area, it wasn’t deliberate, but I was glad I did. I suddenly felt vulnerable in my robe. I was frantically messaging my mum and my friends, who were equally all in shock. Honestly, what are the chances?!
After a while, I found that actually, I didn’t care. It had been 14 years, we have both moved on and I was happy. Besides, they weren’t in robes so they had most probably stayed on Saturday night and were going home. The husband told me they had left and we carried on with our afternoon, before going back to our room to get dressed for dinner.
As we walked into the restaurant, the husband said “isn’t that them over there” “haha” I said, sarcastically, I didn’t even bother looking, it was dark, I didn’t have my glasses on and the husband was such a wind-up. Only he was telling the truth, up in the furthest corner, there they were, having dinner. By now, I felt a bit better in my clothes, I felt less naked and vulnerable and as we were seated, at a table nowhere near them, I actually forgot all about them.
The following morning, we had tea on the terrace (how posh are we) and of course, they just had to walk past, at this point, I was laughing about it. We got dressed, had breakfast and went for a wander around the grounds before heading home, popping in to see my Nan and grandad on the way.
On Wednesday, I had a therapy session, where I discussed my spa visit and realised just how positive this all was. I met the bestie for a coffee afterwards and in the evening I met my friend for a very sensible dinner, where I was back home by 9 pm and I even drove there and back.
On Thursday, I started feeling a bit under the weather. I powered through as I had work to do, but eventually, I caved in and put my dressing gown on and snuggled up, whilst the husband took over dinner duty. Friday saw me wake up with a full-blown cold, I did do a COVID test as I knew I was supposed to be seeing a few people, but it came back negative. I went back to bed and watched luckiest girl alive with some cheese on toast, which I could barely taste.