Monday 22nd June 2020
Had more crazy dreams last night, so vivid, makes me feel really disoriented for a while.
One of the dreams was that, my now ex, boss was emailing me saying I should sue the company as they mistreated him! Ha!
I have call with the now boss, who tells me officially that my boss has gone and that we’re being, merged into another team. I come off the call unsure of how I feel about it all. Part of me was hoping to be given the job and part of me is relieved. I understand that legally, they are not allowed to replace his role so it makes sense what they’ve done. I do like the woman running the team we’re merging with so that’s a plus, I guess I just have to wait and see.
I do manage to gets lots done though & by the end of the day I’m feeling loads better about everything.
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2020-06-22 16:30:00