Each week I write about 3 intentions I have set for the previous week, but in actual fact, I set myself 5. I’m not sure why, but I just started doing it and it stuck.
I don’t always meet all 5 of my intentions, but I have 1 or 2 that are a priority and the rest are kind of a backup, which this week came in handy as for the 6th time, I rolled my bloody ankle, meaning exercise, one of my intentions, was out the window. So here are three I had a fighting chance with.
2 Litres of water per day
It’s back! After a rocky start to the week and the comfort of coke zero, I started to get back into the swing of drinking more water. I still need to make more effort on this one, but I feel it’s really important to meet many of my health-related goals.
Start a blog post series for a client
The work I am doing for a construction company is quite involved, I’m doing a lot of admin and talking about tools and equipment I know nothing about. I realised that if I know nothing about these things, then it’s likely that their customers know nothing about them either so why not educate us all? So I’ve started writing a series about the products and services they offer which will be added to their website, social media & newsletter.
Make a list of priorities for Clare H Writes
As well as writing articles, I also read them and anything with a useful tidbit gets saved away. Over the last few weeks, I have been sorting through these articles, noting anything useful and grouping them into tasks such as marketing, social media, pitching and saving any interesting links there and each day I pick a few tasks to work on. It’s actually working quite well and I feel like I am learning so much, the more I learn, the more I want to learn.
What are your intentions this week?
2023-01-31 13:45:00