The Body Coach 90 Day SSS Plan – Week 3

So things I learned from week 2 is mainly that I am incapable of giving up alcohol entirely, however, I have not let this get me down as this is supposed to be a lifestyle change and not a diet, I am also drinking a lot less than I was before I started this.

Week 3, I knew was going to get off to a rocky start. The boyfriend and I (I still can’t call him fiance, it makes me cringe) were going to a steak restaurant with his friend and his wife, they were big drinkers and there was no way I could sit there and watch everyone get drunk, I would have stabbed someone, I just don’t find anything as funny as drunk people when I am sober. I was so exhausted in the morning from my evening work out that I allowed myself to have a rest day which also meant lime and avocado for breakfast (YAY!) I was good with my food all day and then met my boyfriend after work for a few pre drinks as the table wasnt booked until 8pm. I decided to drink red wine in the pub as that was what I would be drinking with my steak. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the restaurant, everything became a bit hazy and I can’t really remember too much about the food. The boyfriend and I got a bus home and I decided I was going to be naughty and have a couple of chocolate biscuits when I got in as I had been off plan anyway, so two wouldn’t hurt, I didn’t have a dessert.


I woke up Wednesday morning feeling so pleased with myself, I avoided the chocolate biscuits! Hurrah, I am cured of my sweet tooth! I reached over for my phone and sprinkled myself with biscuit crumbs. DAMMIT!! Not only had I had the much coveted chocolate biscuits, I could even remember enjoying them!! What a waste. I spent so much time mourning this that I ended up running late for work, another smoothie for breakfast it is. Oh crap, I had been too lazy to make up another lunch yesterday morning, even though I’d had time and now I had to do that as well. I rustled up some lean muscle mince and left, 30 minutes later than I should have. Oops.

Now, I never get hangovers, never. But today my body decided to bring one on. Great. I really just wanted to go home, work wasnt particularly busy which was annoying as the day dragged on even more. I was even more excited as I had a night in to myself. By 12pm I knew there was only one thing that would help my situation. More wine. I met a friend at lunch and caught up over a couple of glasses, I felt better, now I was just tired. After what seemed like an eternity, 5pm came round and I was soon in my PJs on the sofa with my cheese and mushroom omelette. I cannot even describe the battle I had with myself over this and Chips and cheese on toast with ketchup.IMG_6458

It did the job and I ended up going to bed at 8.30 to watch TV and falling asleep pretty much straight away.


Woke up at 3am having horrible dreams that the boyfriend broke up with me, really struggled to get back to sleep so when my alarm went off at 5am, there was no way I was capable of doing a HIIT session, I could just about stand up. Another smoothie it is then. Along with the rest of my lean muscle mince and the UK supply of KaleIMG_6459

Seriously, I had to eat all of that. Another slow day and I think I may be a bit hormonal and I was feeling guilty that I was three days into the week and hadn’t done any exercise.

I was looking forward to an evening indoors with my boyfriend and having a chicken stir fry which was bloody good if I do say so myself. IMG_6462






 2017-03-20 11:42:36

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