• From HRT to HTML – Confessions of a Peri-preneur

    Hello lovelies, You may have noticed my absence over the last couple of weeks. Not only have I been busy working on re-launching my business, but I have also been on another trip through perimenopause hell. Let’s talk about that first. After starting HRT back in September, I spoke to…

  • Can Chaos Lead to Calm? My Surprising Start to 2024

    Hello lovelies, I’m finally getting myself back into the swing of things with my blog posts after taking a much-needed extended break over the Christmas period. Well, I say break. I was still writing, but I wanted to shake things up a little bit, so I needed a little bit…

  • Januarys Journey: Wins, Wellness and What’s Next

    Hello Lovelies!, January is finally over! The days are getting longer, and spring is on its way. As promised, I’m bringing back the monthly check-ins. So, get yourself a cup of tea, find a comfortable spot, and let’s take a look back at the ups, downs, and everything in between.…

  • Overwhelmed, Under-chilled – Oops, I Did It Again!

    Ugh. Here we are again. I feel like I’m constantly ricocheting through the same cycle of emotions. Just a few weeks back, I was looking forward to a weekend trip to stay at my friend’s Hereford. Those weekends are always a breather—a mix of relaxation, laughter, good food, and drinks.…