3 Things I’m Grateful To Have Achieved This Week

There have been a lot of battles in my mind this week.

I am prone to self-sabotage, especially when I am trying to improve my health. This week I have been trying hard to be kinder to myself when I find that I am knee-deep in subconsciously trying to destroy what I know is good for me.

Sometimes I win the battle and others I retreat and lick my wounds. Here are some of my victories from this week.

Taking a break

Last weekend, I had lots of fun things planned, but my body had other ideas and I came down with a nasty cold. Rather than try to push through, like I normally would, I cancelled my plans and stayed at home to rest and I felt much better for it.

Having a good old cry

I had been feeling smug about not having my usual PMS and crying a lot last week, but my smugness was short-lived when it made an unwelcome appearance this week. I had one of those mornings when things kept going wrong.

As the day went on, I knew I wasn’t going to go to bed unscathed so instead, I embraced it. I put on the notebook and cried from start to finish and got it all out of my system.

Finishing my website

I finally finished setting up my freelancing website. I had planned on just sorting out the About Me page but I got quite into it and managed to sort it all out. There isn’t too much on there at the moment as I need to build my portfolio but I’m quite pleased with how it’s turned out.

What went well for you this week? ❤️

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
2022-10-14 12:30:00

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