3 Small But Powerful Intentions I Am Setting This Week

Big journeys begins with small steps

I enjoy setting my intentions each week, but as we know, sometimes life happens and things don’t go as planned. Sometimes it’s a good thing, it can sometimes weed out the intentions that are less important.

This week, I intend to;

Stay within my calorie goal

Last week, for the most part, I tracked all my calories. This week, I want to make more of an effort to stay within my calorie goal. I use the James Smith Macro calculator to determine my daily calorie target, as well as my protein target.

Stick with my evening skincare routine

Last week, I made an effort to implement an evening skincare routine. Although I don’t wear make up on a daily basis anymore, when I do I am guilty of not taking it off before bed.

If I can get myself into the habit of a good evening skincare routine, I am more likely to remove my make up when I do wear it.

Write an about me page

This one is probably the most difficult one for me this week. A couple of weeks ago, I set up a freelancing website. I created a beautiful logo and even thought of a bit of a slogan, after all, I am a writer right? So why do I find it so terribly hard to write an about me page? Why is it so difficult to sell myself?

I could write an about me page for someone else quite easily, which is what I said to my therapist. She then suggested that is exactly what I do. I write an about me page as if I am writing about someone else.

What are your intentions for this week? ❤️

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash
2022-10-10 12:30:00

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