3 Intentions I’m Setting This Week To Kickstart My Weight Loss

Autumn has given me a new lease of life, so what better time than now to start focusing on an important goal of mine? Weight loss.

My weight has been a bugbear of mine for a few years now and after endless excuses as to why it’s not happening, I am going to put my focus back on this. So this week’ intentions are:

Count my calories

I am going back to MyFitnessPal this week and will be logging my food and drink. I know what is good for me and what isn’t but it is a lot easier to forget what you have eaten when you don‘t write it down.

Meal Plan

I can make life even easier by planning all my meals. Now we are getting Gousto again, I can put my dinners into MyFitnessPal in advance and that will tell me how many calories I have left. It will then be easier to make breakfast and lunch choices.

Drink more water

Yes, it’s back again! I know that this helps with my weight loss, it also helps with my skin and energy levels. Now I have got myself a plan for each day, there is no reason I can’t drink those 2 litres per day.

What are your intentions for this week? ❤️

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
2022-10-03 06:54:00

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