I do love to share the work of other writers.
It can be so difficult to get your writing out there and find new readers, so I very much believe in sharing good articles when I come across them.
I have been doing these in topics more recently, but these are some articles I read over the last few months that didn’t fit into any of those specific articles but are absolutely worth reading.
Nine Powerful Tips to Help You Stop Making the Same Mistakes by T M Watson
“mistakes become a problem if we keep repeating the same ones.”
The Serendipity Paradox — or How to Plan to Make More Luck Possible by Laura Vanderkam
“Magic can happen when we are at the right place at the right time.”
7 Surprising Things You Can Do That Will Boost Your Mood By Maggie Kelly
“It’s been one of those days. One where everything seems to go wrong. You got stuck in traffic. You were late to work. You spilled coffee on your shirt.”
Want To Get Serious About Manifestation? Try Listening To These Top 5 Podcasts by Bella Rose
“Who doesn’t love a good podcast? You can pop one on whilst literally doing anything and nothing.”
Gratitude: How and Why to Create a Gratitude Practice by Isabel Knight
“We minimise our positive achievements and focus instead on our failures.”