3 Small Intentions I’m Setting This Week To Achieve My Long Term Goals

I’ve scheduled in 3 exercise sessions for this week. I plan to get my gym wear and equipment ready the night before so I’m ready to get up and go.

I’ve got a yoga, strength and the dreaded cardio booked in.

Complete 8 sessions of my writing course
I want to squeeze in as many of the courses as I can. The one I currently have is for 6 weeks but I only have one month free so I need to absorb as much as I can whilst I don’t have any income.

Again, I’m going to schedule these sessions as I would a meeting and treat them with the same importance.

Drink 2 litres of water per day
I managed to get back into this habit before going away and now it’s slipped again.
I always drink a lot more when exercising so that should help me along nicely.

What are your intentions for this week? ❤️

2022-08-29 06:00:00

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