Will Doing Less Actually Give Me More? I’m Ready to Find Out

Hello Lovelies,

Some weeks, I struggle for topics to write about, and sometimes a giant ball of inspiration strikes me out of nowhere. This week, it was definitely the latter.

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been part of Respin, and this week marked our final coaching session as BETA testers.

As I listened to these incredible women sharing their updates, it hit me hard.

For so long, I’ve been laser-focused on what I should be doing: eating the right food, drinking less alcohol, drinking more water, moving more, strength training, working on my business, keeping the house spotless, cooking dinner, getting 8 hours of sleep…

Jeez, I’m exhausted just writing it. The constant pressure to do everything “right” has become overwhelming.

But what if, instead, I did the opposite? What if I allowed myself just to be?

I won’t lie; the concept feels utterly alien to me. I haven’t the foggiest idea how to start, but maybe that’s the point.

As someone who practically lives in their to-do list, maybe all I really need to do is… get rid of it.

Ok, I think my heart actually just stopped. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but let’s just say that perhaps Sundays become my free day. No plans, no tasks, just “going with the flow” and doing whatever I feel like doing instead of what I feel like I  should be doing.

Letting go of my to-do list, even just for a day, might not only give me the mental space to recharge but also help me rediscover what I want to do rather than what I feel obligated to do.

Mere hours after drafting this post, as I lay awake at 4:30 am wondering if I should get up and go for a walk, I experienced a beautiful moment of serendipity. As I scrolled through some saved articles, I came across “Why Life Feels So Complicated (and How to Simplify It)” from *The Blissful Mind* and I knew I was on the right track.

As I continued scrolling through my reading list (another to-do list, I realised!), it hit me: article after article on managing my money, trying new journal prompts, organising this or that… No wonder my brain feels like it’s going to explode! In my endless quest for self-improvement, I’ve been consuming so much information that I can’t make sense of any of it. No wonder I’m stuck.

I want to try everything, and I want to try it all yesterday. But with the flood of emails arriving daily, how am I supposed to manage it all?

Maybe the resolution is simple: my inbox may be full of advice and tips, but have I accidentally stumbled upon the biggest insight of all? Sometimes, less is more.

So, I’m going to slowly step away from the constant influx of self-improvement content and focus on one thing at a time. And give myself the freedom to live without trying to fix everything at once.

As easy as “doing less” sounds, could it actually be harder than doing more? I guess we’re about to find out. I’ll keep you all posted!

Late to the Party? Don’t Worry, Here’s What You May Have Missed

Anxious August: A Month of Low Moods and Bright Spots

June & July Recap: Blogging Breaks, Health Hiccups, and Finding Hope

How One Email Redefined My Perspective on Self-Worth 

From Setbacks to Success: April-May Recap

From HRT to HTML – Confessions of a Peri-preneur

Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list or need help with your business? Check out Clare H Writes. I’m here to help simplify your copywriting and business needs. Get in touch, and let’s make your to-do list a little lighter!


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